My name is Joseph and I live in -------.
I read an AP article in the Corvallis newspaper, Gazette-Times, about toxic algae. I felt the news about the blooms was interesting as I did not know they were so toxic as to cause sever reactions in humans but also death to pets, livestock and I would assume wildlife. As if this was not disturbing enough the article went on to say the government has spent 29 billion dollars on the problem. (In the form of educational programs to help negate the effects of the fertilizers.) I felt like this needed to be addressed. In all fairness the article did not say how long a period of time that money was spent but I would question if it matters. For the 29 billion dollars what the citizens of the U.S. get? Nothing! The problem persists and is becoming more common. These algae blooms are caused by agriculture fertilizers. These fertilizers are responsible for the release of nitrous oxide from soils during tilling, which is a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon and 575 megatons of carbon world wide a year (article of Nature Science Journal). These fertilizers are releasing phosphorus and nitrogen into the water ways and flowing into the lakes. The levels of these chemicals in the water is increasing, again let us remember the $290,000,000,000.
I read an AP article in the Corvallis newspaper, Gazette-Times, about toxic algae. I felt the news about the blooms was interesting as I did not know they were so toxic as to cause sever reactions in humans but also death to pets, livestock and I would assume wildlife. As if this was not disturbing enough the article went on to say the government has spent 29 billion dollars on the problem. (In the form of educational programs to help negate the effects of the fertilizers.) I felt like this needed to be addressed. In all fairness the article did not say how long a period of time that money was spent but I would question if it matters. For the 29 billion dollars what the citizens of the U.S. get? Nothing! The problem persists and is becoming more common. These algae blooms are caused by agriculture fertilizers. These fertilizers are responsible for the release of nitrous oxide from soils during tilling, which is a greenhouse gas more potent than carbon and 575 megatons of carbon world wide a year (article of Nature Science Journal). These fertilizers are releasing phosphorus and nitrogen into the water ways and flowing into the lakes. The levels of these chemicals in the water is increasing, again let us remember the $290,000,000,000.
This is really not acceptable to be spending large some of money with no results. This is especially true when the problem could be solved with little or no money spent. All we need to do is ban the fertilizers. I realize this may seem insane to some people but is it more insane than poisoning our water with chemical that take a long time to break down? If I as a citizen were to poison a lake by dumping Roundup or gas in it I would be in serious trouble. There would be the cost of clean-up I would have to pay, fines and possible jail time. I do not have the right to poison public water, thank God. I ask you what gives these agro-chemical companies the right to poison our water. Why are these corporations treated different? We have outlawed DDT, though these companies still produce it and sale it to other country (how is that legal?). If something like DDT is too poisonous to use, were is the line of OK poison? Poison is poison. Things that kill the environment should not be produced, period!
Will there be a time when someone has the common sense to outlaw thing that are toxic? Are you brave enough to outlaw things that are killing the planet? I do not know about you but I think a lot about the planet I am leaving my grand-kids, great grand-kids, great-great grand-kids etc. I feel like leaving them with a 29 billion in debt for nothing is disheartening. I feel leaving them a planet full of toxic waste is unacceptable. Please be brave enough to do something.
Thank You,
Of coarse no real action was taken by the first letter and then as if God just wanted to give a preview of the results of not cleaning up our act the water system of the whole city of Salem was poisoned by toxic algae. The irony of the capitol city, where the laws are made that could prevent such problems, becoming the one who suffered the toxic algae was not lost on me.
Last year I wrote both you and ----- about the millions of wasted dollars that were being spent to educate farmers how to use the chemical they choose to use to grow crops. I stated that to outlaw the chemicals would save the government all that money and save the environment from their harm. Noting that as long as the chemicals are used there will be harm no matter how much education is provide; poison is poison. You both replied in similar fashion and I paraphrase here, “We will look into it”
I also posed the question, “Are you brave enough to outlaw things that are killing our planet?”. Well it seems not. Since that letter the water supply to our capitol, Salem, was poisoned by algae blooms from toxic fertilizer. It seems looking into thing does not change the fact that they are poison and therefore killing the planet.
I ask you once again “Are you brave enough?” Not only to stop the poisoning of the planet from agricultural chemical but also address the whole climate change destruction that is unfolding before us?
Congress did ban DDT, why do they do nothing now? We need brave individuals to lead us, one who can stand up and start banning the thing that are killing the Earth we live on. It is not time to think of re-election or how to get cooperate donations. Without swift action your thought of re-election will be worthless as the time is coming when we might not have an Earth or Civilization to be elected for.
The time for soft political compromise and talk has pass. The time to think science will fine some miraculous cure has pasted. The time to hope somehow if we ignore the problem it will not hurt us has past. WE NEED STRONG BRAVE MEN AND WOMAN to lead us. Do you fit the bill or are you someone who is just going to keep looking into it until there is no more "it" to look into?
When Japan bombed Peril Harbor did Congress just look into it? Did they debate ad nauseum if it was real? Did someone suggest compromise and half measures. NO! We as a nation saw a real threat and came together to do something, WE TOOK ACTION. Today's threat is much worst, effecting not just the USA but the whole world and still no real action of any consequence is being taken.
We, as a race, need to reassess our relation to Mother Earth. It is time to stop tell her how we want things to be and start listening how she needs things to be to survive. From there we can make long term plans how to dismantle our current dilemma and start working with within her natural laws. More importantly we need strong brave individuals RIGHT NOW! People who will stand against this cooperate money monarchy to create change- NOW! Thing like outlawing the production of gas-powered cars. Outlawing chemicals that kill. Outlawing plastics made with petroleum. Maybe buy a few less fighter jets at $80 million apiece and use the money for solar panels for individual homes. Make all new home energy neutral. Eliminate the insane idea and any laws suggesting that corporations are individuals or have rights as individuals.
Such suggestions many will think impossible. Is there no faith in humanity? The first oil well was drilled in 1859 while the first car was made in 1885 and though we were already creating carbon before this with coal this is truly the beginning of our modern way of being. In just 160 years our society has created were we are today with little technology to begin with. Today we sit on a plethora of technological options at our finger tips to explore a petroleum free way of existing. We just need to move beyond our fears and the cooperate greed that keeps us entrenched.
We need heroes and warriors to lead us. Our kids, grand-kids, and their great grand-kids need bravery now not after next election. The scientific papers that have comes out recently make this clear. I am looking to you as my Representative to truly represent my childern’s childern’s children. I am hoping beyond hope that you are a brave man of action and not someone who is just going to look into it.
Please find your courage and stand for the future of our Earth!
With Dishearten Respect,
And unfortunately nothing has changed.
Copyright © 2019 by Joseph aka "hippyjo"
Copyright © 2019 by Joseph aka "hippyjo"
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