I am not trying to change the world but God knows I would like to. I am not trying to be anything or anybody but me. It is hard to know what that is. Why blog? Well why not? Is there really any reason do anything but eat and shit, which are total one anyway. I do not particular like computers and I am the IT person at work, how does these thing happen? I have a lot of opinions and who doesn't? The only difference I claim is I see the opinions for the pile of crap that they are and do not care to get into a argument about them. In fact there is very little I am willing to fight over. Am I a whip, maybe, but no one would know but me. I have lived my life as my life meaning I do not follow directions or suggestions very well. I listen to my heart then find myself in trouble then listen to my reason and find myself in more trouble until I can compromise the two. Even Congress is placid compared to the head heart battle. As I progress in this journey you all will see I am of the earth and the major struggles of my life are between society and natural existence. Now I am not one of these environmentalist that thinks the earth would have been better if Homo Sapiens had never evolved but rather a voice of nature. Remember nature, no cute cuddle animals to save; the reality of a wolf brutally taking down it lunch. But, and this is a big butt (Ha Ha-junior English- pun is the lowest form of humor) do so in balance. Can we achieve balance that isn't pretty? Who Knows, who really cares? Recently I was at a meeting about wood smoke and the havoc it causes and the possibility of banning it ( oh no here we go). I burn wood which I am sure I will talk about later. The slick chart said a 1/3 of the pollution comes from wood smoke, 1/3 comes from cars and 1/3 is other stuff like electric, dust and whatnot. Now this is just a small Valley in West Marin. Wood smoke is banned when the air is considered unsafely breath. On the other hand driving a car is never banned. When I pointed this out I, of coarse, I was laughed at. We as human have always needed to stay warm, fact. We as human alway needed to drive cars, false. Of course if we keep driving cars maybe there will be no need to stay warm as the planet will always be hotter and hotter. Better to be cold and feed society than to be warm off the PG&E grid. So cars are more important than natural instinct to stay warm with what nature give us, wood. Blah Blah Blah-First entry and I am already going off. Look out here comes common sense and reality. You have been warned!
Copyright © 2012 by Joseph aka "hippyjo"
Copyright © 2012 by Joseph aka "hippyjo"
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