Sunday, June 1, 2014

Slow Down

Slow Down

HippyJo has looked at Babylon and it has turned his stomach. This society is killing itself; which is not good, but worse, it is destroying it's home for our children and their children. Does any generation have the right to destroy the home of another? And the worst part of the destruction is that so few humans can have more, (more money, more cars, more homes, more sense of false control) than the rest of us.

Our Mother, what we choose to call Earth, is all we got. We are the only animal that wants to poop inside their homes. Sure bathrooms are nice and symbolically we are pooping on and in our home, the Mother. It is fear. We have always been afraid of nature. And why not? We are slower than most things that eat us, we do not see as well, we do not hear as well, we do not smell as well, we are weaker than most. This is only on the predictor side of things. We fear what we cannot control. We as a species are control freaks. Look at a wedding, if it rains everyone gets pissed off; it is the lack of control. We can't control winter cold, floods, huge winds, blistering heat, and too much or too little rain. With all this fear, in a very early stage of our evolution, we said "Screw it- we will control- we will over come-this bothersome planet" and we started doing things that other animals never did. We started wearing clothes, taming fire, inventing weapons. I do not think any of this happened with someone hanging out saying " I am afraid of the dark so let's build a fire". It is more like fire just happened and the humans felt more secure. This of course compared to today is minimal, but it was a start.

Just look around with the lenses of "How does this try to over come nature?" There are obvious ones like air conditioners, umbrellas, even shoes. Then there are ones that are a bit harder to see-like cars. We can travel at about 7 miles per hour if we are in good shape. That is the speed our bodies are built to go, the way the Mother evolved us to be. If you run into a wall going 7 MPH, you may get hurt, like a broken arm but not seriously and you will heal. Now you hit a wall going 55 MPH the only thing left for anyone to know whom you are would be your teeth. We live a 55 MPH life style in a 7 MPH world, it cannot be sustained. Yes we have over come what our Mother intended us to be and do, again. And the cost- stress and all the disease related to it, global warming, insanity, and dead planet where nothing can live. Do we really need to go 55? Do our great grand kids need us to go 55?

This is why we are trying to farm as much as possible with out the petro-related reality. If we can figure out how to be slow we will go a long way to stopping the killing of our Mother. We need a world where the reality that slower is better can be heard again. Would it not be great to have a boss come in the office one day, look around at productivity, shake his head with mild frustration, and then say to his employee's-"Slow down!! We are going too fast. It is killing you. Slow down!"

Copyright © 2014 by Joseph aka "hippyjo"

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